
Learn more about the Amazon and the Juma Lodge: a jungle hotel

Amazon | Amazon Rainforest

Many people still wonder if the Amazon Rainforest is a recommended trip for a family with children. Well, we have talked about this before (please check here) when we explained that is actually one of the best destinations you can choose for a family vacation. And why do we feel so strong about this opinion? First of all, you won’t believe the magic trick this place can do to your kids:  this amazing trip will get your children’s attention out of their smartphones’ screens to the rich environment that surrounds them. Instead of looking down, they will be looking everywhere.


Quality time with your children, you can bet on it!


If your kids listen to you and are well behaved, just relax! All activities have trained staff to help everyone with guidance and our walkways are very secure, just pay close attention and hold on to your kids’ hands in case they are pretty young. Also, another thing that is important to mention is that our lodge is located in an area where the high acidity level in the water makes it harder for the mosquitoes to reproduce. So, if you choose to come to Juma Lodge bring a simple repellent and it will do you just fine.



If these reasons still didn’t convince you, we just would like the add the fact that many of the things you’ll see, do or try at the jungle will be “firsts” for both you and your kids! Learning things together is really special to create bonds and strengthen the relationship between parents and their children. <3


Well, as we know that pictures say more than words we happily want to share with you these great photographs Adri took during his stay with us. He came to Juma Lodge with his wife and 2 kids and had great moments to remember for a lifetime. Thank you Adri for sending these pictures to us, we loved it!

Family adventure in the Amazon Rainforest
















If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to contact us!


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Por Ariana Gomes