
Learn more about the Amazon and the Juma Lodge: a jungle hotel

Amazon Rainforest

Before we choose a destination for our next vacation, we often do a research on the internet. In addition to searching the climate of the place and the activities we might enjoy, we all want to see great pictures!


Seeing beautiful pictures is already the beginning of a journey, it sharpens our desire to travel and see the landscapes for ourselves. So, for your amusement, we decided to talk less and show more. How about new pictures of our jungle lodge and the nature that surrounds it?

Pictures from Juma Amazon Lodge










Solar panels. To learn more about our sustainability actions, visit: Juma’s sustainalibity




Dry season, when you can see the bungalows’ structure over stilts.




The restaurant. To see other photos and plus information about our restaurant, visit: Juma’s restaurant – Unique flavors for all




Lodge Accommodations


Bungalow’s view to the river




Inside the bungalow:




Special river view bungalow




Forest view bungalows



Landscapes of the Brazilian Amazon


Sunset at Juma River




Sunrise in the Amazon




Boat ride


The animals:


The main attractions are the birds and the monkeys that frequently visit our lodge. That is so true that we have already written 2 other blog posts about them. Take a look: Bird Watching: Amazonia’s sky is a sight to sore eyes and Juma Lodge have special neighbors: Meet the monkeys that visit our lodge.


Red macaw and saki monkey



After reading about the monkeys, macaws and toucans you can continue to know other species you’ll find in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest.














Wattled Jacana








Green Kingfisher








Amazon river dolphin




We’ll keep you updated with new photos on our social media channels. Follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

Por Ariana Gomes