
Learn more about the Amazon and the Juma Lodge: a jungle hotel

Amazon Rainforest


If you are used to travelling alone, The Amazon Rainforest is a great destination for your next adventure. Maybe, spending a couple of days in the middle of the jungle is not the first thing you think about for your next solo journey, but believe us, it can suit your plans just perfectly.


The first thing we advise is for you to do a complete research before booking your flight or making hotel reservations. Watch videos on Youtube, read TripAdvisor’s reviews, visit other websites specialized in travel and adventures, read blog posts from people that already have lived this experience, in the end, what we are trying to say is that knowledge and information is never too much. Of course that is important to make sure that the information you are consuming is true, and that is one of the reasons we created this Blog: to post trustful information to help travelers around the world prepare themselves for visiting the Amazon Rainforest. ?


These information will help you choose the best time of the year to travel to the Amazon Rainforest to attend your expectations, will give you tips on how to pack your luggage and what you can’t forget to take with you to the jungle, will help you organize how many days you’ll want to spend in the Amazon Rainforest and which ecotourism activities you don’t want to miss, impressions on the food and meals you’ll be served and more. It’s nice for those who like to feel prepared before travelling to a new country.


But why living the Amazon Rainforest experience is a great option for people travelling solo? Well, because when you’re here, in the middle of the jungle, you’ll never be left alone. You’ll experience the outdoors activities within a group of people from all over the world always leaded by a local specialized guide ready to show the best of the jungle and answer all of your doubts.


Also, the beautiful untouched surrounding nature will be your company throughout your stay. If you seek peace and silence our bungalows with view to the river are isolated and, therefore provide the individual traveler a perfect ambience  to read a book while on the hammock on the balcony of the room.


If we may, we’ll list below some other blog posts we consider important to read if you already nourishes a spark to come to the Amazon Rainforest:Choose a nice jungle lodge with all the infrastructure needed to suit your demands and we are sure you’ll have the most amazing days and will return home with great adventurous stories to tell and new friends to keep in touch.


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Por Ariana Gomes