
Learn more about the Amazon and the Juma Lodge: a jungle hotel


You have taken a long time planning your trip to the Amazon Rainforest, right? You had to choose a place to stay, an airline company to travel with, prepared yourself to take sometime off work and now the great day is coming and you have to pack your luggage. You’re euphoric and can’t wait to enjoy yourself in the middle of the jungle.


To make the best of your jungle experience some tips of what you should pack are very important. A comfortable and safe trip is all you need to have the most incredible stories to tell when you get back. We hope our guide and tips will be useful.

What type of clothes should I pack?


Good news is that you should have most of them, and if not, they’re easy to find! Light weight, fast drying, breathable and moisture wicking clothes are the best for the jungle’s climate. Go for simple but durable items. A good idea is to take a poncho for a sudden downpour.


It’s recommended you take at least two pairs of pants for the jungle hikes. They’ll protect your skin from the sun, possible bugs’ stings or superficial cuts from the vegetation, the same for long sleeve t-shirts.


Don’t forget to pack a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen, the sun should be on your side and you don’t want to miss any of the outdoor activities.


Comfortable shoes, please! Hiking boots or basic sneakers? It doesn’t matter, as long as you feel comfortable in them and they’re not sleepery you will be fine. They will get dirty and wet, so if you just bought a new pair of shoes and want them to look brand new for a little while you better leave them at home and pack another pair. A pair of waterproof sandals will make your stay at the lodge more pleasant as well.


As you may have realized by now, comfort is what you’re looking for! Pants and shorts with pockets are useful so you’ll have your hands free to better enjoy all the experiences only the wildlife can provide you.

What I should not forget?


  • A bathing suit to enjoy swimming in the lake after a long day.
  • Camera, to register everything.
  • Money, to buy handicraft from the riverside communities.
  • Flashlight, for jungle hiking at night.
  • Repellent, even though in Juma’s Region the water acidity level is high and mosquitoes don’t reproduce.
  • Personal medications.


If you have any doubts don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.


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Trajes de banho também fazem parte de uma completa experiência na Amazônia.

Dicas de Acessórios

Chapéus ou bonés são itens fundamentais, assim como o uso do filtro solar. Proteger-se do sol é essencial para que se possa aproveitar ao máximo todos os passeios e atividades. Lanterna e óculos escuros são muito bem vindos, assim como o repelente (é importante destacar, no entanto, que na região onde o Juma Amazon Lodge está localizado quase não há mosquitos por conta da água negra com alto grau de acidez que não permite a proliferação deles).

Levar dinheiro, em espécie, também é uma dica legal para quem deseja tomar uma caipirinha no bar da recepção e comprar produtos artesanais feitos pelas comunidades ribeirinhas. E, é claro, leve a máquina fotográfica! São momentos especiais que merecem recordação.

Para mais conteúdo e novidades, siga-nos nas redes sociais: Facebook, Twitter e Instagram.

Por Ariana Gomes