
Learn more about the Amazon and the Juma Lodge: a jungle hotel

Amazon Rainforest

André and Michele are a couple from Manaus, the capital of Amazonas, just 100km from Juma Lodge! We love to receive people from our own state. Thank you guys for sharing your pictures and experiences with us. Follow his Instagram account for more great pictures:


“We are a Brazilian couple who live in Manaus, in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest. We like places with natural beauties and so we chose Juma Amazon Lodge as our next destination. Located in Autazes/AM, this hotel has a focus on sustainability. The energy is captured by solar panels, the water receives all the treatment before being returned to the environment, causing the minimum environmental impact possible. There you stay offline all the time, connected only to the forest, the river and the Amazonian fauna. That’s why we invite everyone to follow us in this destination: #FollowMeToJuma


Let’s take a look at some of the pictures! To see more, go to his Instagram!




Cayman spotting


We look so much alike


The view from our balcony


Fantastic Colors



Beautiful sunset


We’ll keep you updated with our news on our social media channels. Follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

Por Ariana Gomes