
Learn more about the Amazon and the Juma Lodge: a jungle hotel


In addition to collaborating with the preservation of the environment, the project results in fuel savings of R$ 45 thousand a month Between 2019 and 2021, Brazil lost 42 thousand km² of native vegetation – the equivalent of virtually the whole state of Rio de Janeiro. This figure is part of the Annual Report on […]


Another achievement for Juma Lodge and another step in our path in search of being more and more ecological and sustainable! We now have a biodigester that converts animal manure and organic waste into cooking gas and liquid fertilizer! Every action we take aims to minimize the hotel’s impact on the environment in which it […]


The best way to receive a new year is by making better and smarter choices. To be a conscious person, and more, a conscious traveler, it implies choosing the places you want to visit and the hotels you’ll be staying considering their sustainable practices.   As you may know by now, Juma Lodge is located in one […]

Por Ariana Gomes