
Learn more about the Amazon and the Juma Lodge: a jungle hotel

Amazon Rainforest

Hello everyone! How are you? Today we would like to share with you the amazing work of Rita Barreto, a photographer from São Paulo, Brazil.   Since 2009 she organizes trips for groups of photographers to the Pantanal, to the Amazon Rainforest and to other beautiful places in Brazil. Her group and herself came to […]

Por Ariana Gomes

Juma Amazon Lodge

We started off this year working really hard to present to you 3 new ambiences! Now, Juma Lodge offers three more locations to make the whole Amazon experience even bigger! Our desire and main goal was always about making the best we can to provide beautiful and meaningful experiences for all our visitors. We hope […]

Por Ariana Gomes

Amazon Rainforest

  Meet Grace and Jason, a couple from San Francisco/US, that shares a passion: trying unique and different food from all over the World. They have recently come to Juma Lodge and we found their pictures on Instagram! You have to visit their IG because the pictures are beautiful and tell a lot, not only […]

Por Ariana Gomes

Pack Your Bags

A while ago we have written a post called: Amazon Rainforest: what to pack? and until the present day it’s one of the most read posts of our blog. So we thought it was about time we wrote a new post concerning this matter to share with all of you and possibly help you organize your luggage […]

Por Ariana Gomes


The best way to receive a new year is by making better and smarter choices. To be a conscious person, and more, a conscious traveler, it implies choosing the places you want to visit and the hotels you’ll be staying considering their sustainable practices.   As you may know by now, Juma Lodge is located in one […]

Por Ariana Gomes

Amazon Rainforest

  If you are used to travelling alone, The Amazon Rainforest is a great destination for your next adventure. Maybe, spending a couple of days in the middle of the jungle is not the first thing you think about for your next solo journey, but believe us, it can suit your plans just perfectly.   […]

Por Ariana Gomes


Are you having doubts about how many days you should spare to visit the Amazon Rainforest? Or maybe you already know exactly how many days you’ll be able to spend in the jungle and want to know more about the tours you’ll take? Well, this blog is just perfect to suit your needs.   To […]

Por Ariana Gomes

Amazon Rainforest

A small guide for you to start planning your next vacation with destination to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil! After you read the answers below you’ll see that organizing a trip to the Amazonia is much easier than you think.   Priority knowledge I have to know before going to the Amazon Rainforest How do […]

Por Ariana Gomes

Juma Amazon Lodge

Are you familiar with the travel site Well, it’s one of the biggest, most complete and respected travel sites in the World. And why are we telling you this? Because has selected Juma Lodge as one of the top five destinations to disconnect and relax.   But we know that only’s opinion […]

Por Ariana Gomes